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Date Received: 2006-11-16
Type: complaint
Regarding: facility issue

Patron Comment: Photocopy quality very poor - need new machine -

AADL Reply: Thanks for letting us know. The Library leases all of our copiers. The machine may need repair or just toner. If this happens again please let staff know so they can submit a work order to get the copier repaired or they can renew the toner cartridge. Tim Minick Manager, Facilities

Date Received: 2006-11-16
Type: complaint
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: The Reference Library should have a desk and a chair. It's too hard to find her!

AADL Reply: No contact information provided.

Date Received: 2006-11-16
Type: compliment
Regarding: exhibits/displays

Patron Comment: Love the costumes. Fantastic idea!

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2006-11-16
Type: complaint
Regarding: exhibits/displays

Patron Comment: Submitted by a staff member on behalf of the patron: Long-term Downtown user is very sad over changes: "When you come in, you don't see books" and really misses the Browsing section and the box in front of Info Desk which had new, interesting titles. She is going to find a new home library and didn't want to fill out card.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2006-11-16
Type: complaint
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: My 11 year old son was approached by a man on the 2nd floor at the library on Fri. Nov. 3 and the man asked the boy if he knew Jesus and the man took the boy's hand and asked him to pray and to repeat after him. He also asked my son's name and age. The child felt very uncomfortable and did not say anything because the man was hovering around the desk.

AADL Reply: I am sorry to hear that your son was made to feel uncomfortable by another patron using the library. Our Rules of Behavior, available at, do prohibit others from soliciting, campaigning, petitioning, or harassing other patrons, and we will enforce this policy when patrons tell us that they are being bothered. We must, however, be made aware that the conversation is unwelcome. Please know that we take the safety of our patrons and staff very seriously, and if you or your family are bothered by a patron who is violating our Rules of Behavior, you should feel comfortable letting staff know--either there or at another desk or on another floor--so that we may intervene and stop the harassing behavior.

Date Received: 2006-11-16
Type: compliment
Regarding: customer service

Patron Comment: Laura very consciencious and helpful - dedicated give her a raise - but don't promote her out of dealing with the patrons.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2006-11-16
Type: complaint
Regarding: computers

Patron Comment: Stop updating the computer system. Each system is more complex than the last, making it harder to navigate. The old ones w/orange and black screens (c. 1996) were more than sufficient.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2006-11-16
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: customer service

Patron Comment: Place a comment card in the DVD case, to note condition - many problems may not be reported as patrons are in a hurry as they return items.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2006-11-16
Type: complaint
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: Please get some real info. about the book sale and it's fate. Distribute to all ref librarians and etc. This "we don't know, and we don't know HOW to know, and we can't say anything" line is getting OLD, folks! OLD

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2006-11-16
Type: other
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: Hi, i am living in ann arbor and also the memeber of AADl. i need a small clarification. i saw a meeting hall in the front of the library. do you allow us to rent that place for family functions like Birthday parties? i am looking for one. if so please let me know more details about that. -Thanks

AADL Reply: You will find information about room rental options options at the AADL on our website at: I'm not sure from your email which location it is that you are referring to, but we do currently rent space at the Downtown and Malletts Creek Branch locations. However, please know that we do not rent rooms for the purposes of holding religious or social events, including birthday parties. If you are interested in renting a room for another type of meeting or event, please call 327-8310 for more information.