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Date Received: 2006-12-12
Type: complaint
Regarding: computers

Patron Comment: Please consider cleaning the public keyboards. They have become insanitarily dirty from accululated oil. Thank you.

AADL Reply: This comment was submitted anonymously.

Date Received: 2006-12-12
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: customer service

Patron Comment: Please have copy machine instructions posted on machine. This would be of great help for us that are technological hampered.

AADL Reply: Thank you for contacting us regarding posting instructions at the photocopiers available for public use. I am sorry to hear that you were frustrated by our copy machines. Please do not hesitate to ask us if you need assistance using any of our equipment or help in finding materials in any of our library locations. That is why we are here. The screens on each of our photocopiers "unlock" when you've placed money in the coin box or inserted your Lcard into the attached reader. The "unlocked" screen provides options and instructions for copier use. Please know, however, that you may always ask us to walk you through the process or to assist in clearing a paper jam or other problem. I hope you find this information useful. Thank you.

Date Received: 2006-12-11
Type: other
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: Hello. Is there a notary at any of the branches? Thank you.

AADL Reply: Thank you for contacting the Ann Arbor District Library regarding notary services at our branches. We do not currently offer this service at any of our locations. You may consider contacting a local bank, a government office, or a law firm, many of which do offer this service. Sincerely, Terry Soave Outreach & Neighborhood Services Ann Arbor District Library

Date Received: 2006-12-11
Type: complaint
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: I am writing to question the library's policy regarding the purchase of popular items - particularly dvd's. I have noticed when I put myself on the request list for a popular book or dvd, that there are often several dozen copies of the item either on loan or being newly processed. My place on the list is often very low (for instance, 125), yet, I seem to move to the top of the list remarkably quickly. Although one might consider this in a positive light, I don't. My view of the library is NOT that of a free entertainment center where I have the right to a quick, free gratification of my desire to see popular movies. Unfortunately, I suspect that this overstocking of popular items comes at the expense of the library's ability to be more comprehensive in its purchase of more obsure books, and perhaps dvd's that are not as widely popular, such as PBS series and programming. Over the past several months, I have looked for several recently published book titles and been surprised and disappointed not to find them. Yet, there seem to be dozens of copies of dvd's that can be fairly inexpensively rented at the local blockbuster. There is no such alternative choice for books. I don't know who is making the decisions on these matters or where you are getting your feedback, but many people that I have discussed this with, feel the same way as I do. We are considering the most effective way would to make our concerns known regarding these policy decisions. Christine Conner

AADL Reply: I am sorry that the good service you are receiving is giving you pause about the library's collection policies. How quickly your name moves on the list for a request is determined by several factors: How long patrons keep an item is one. DVDs are returned quickly and have a much shorter loan period that print items. They also have a higher daily overdue fine. How quickly we sort and reshelve once an item is returned is a second factor. We have recently begun streamlining our backroom workflow process for handling material. We hope to shorten the time on hold list quite a bit more. Lastly, we do purchase titles when 4 holds are placed. This is how we handle ALL material, print or non print. While the collection budget is a finite amount, it is very generous. We do not sacrifice print material for non print and are very glad that we don't need to make that type of decision. If you don't see print titles that you feel should be in the public library collection, please send in a suggestion via the web or at one of the public desks. Librarians select our material and if they disagree with you about adding a title, they will email you and tell you why. If they agree with you, they will order the title and alert you so that you can place a hold on the item. If you have further questions about the collection policies of AADL, please don't hesitate to call me at 327.4263. Sincerely, Josie Parker Director

Date Received: 2006-12-11
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: email notification

Patron Comment: When an item is overdue, your computer could automatically send DAILY reminders to the patron via email. For example, I overlooked that a couple of items were overdue (probably, erased too many email messages 10 days ago, on Day 1); now I have to pay fines for 10 days.. if I received a reminder on Day 2, I would have returned them promptly ... WIth the Season's Greetings, A G

AADL Reply: Thanks for contacting us with your feedback. Unfortunately, this is not a service our system is currently able to provide, and I'm fairly certain a significant percentage of our users would not like to receive daily emails about overdue items. However, we'll keep it in mind as a future option for patrons who desire a more insistent set of notices. =) In the meantime, I have renewed your overdue item and waived $4.75 in fines from your account. Thanks for your patience, and please let us know if you have any further questions or trouble. Eli Neiburger AADL Tech Manager

Date Received: 2006-12-10
Type: general suggestion
Regarding: holds

Patron Comment: I would like to suggest an added feature for your website: Wishlist. What it does is allow you to keep a list of books you would like to read, not ones that you are wanting to checkout right now. What happens to me is that I find out about books and look them up in your catalog. They are there but I know that I don't have time to read them now but I do want to request them in the future. This feature would mean that I wouldn't have to keep a separate ;ist somewhere of what I want to read. Thanks, Charles

AADL Reply: Thanks for contacting us. We already have this feature planned for a future release, as it is a common request from our most enthusiastic patrons. In the meantime, you can get similar results by saving catalog cards to your personal card catalog; simply click 'card catalog image' on the title you want to save, then save that card. You can view saved cards under 'Personal Card Catalog' on the left side of your my account page. Thanks again for your feedback, and stay tuned for this and other new features over the coming months! Eli Neiburger AADL Tech Manager

Date Received: 2006-12-08
Type: programs and events
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: I was interested in finding library activities for young kids. There are activities organized by type, such as "storytimes" and "playtimes," but what about a listing for age? When I search for "babies," I get activities for children under 24 months. When I search for "kids" (which isn't defined), I get an activity for much older kids. Nothing came up for preschool-age kids, even though there ARE activities in the library for this age range. I strongly urge the library to have more activities for toddlers and young children. This past summer, virtually all of the activities under the "summer reading program" umbrella were for age 5 and up -- and more activities would have been welcome. I've also observed that there tends to be plenty of storytimes and activities for the under-2 year olds or over-3 year olds, but few for 2 year olds! I know 2 year olds tend to be very energetic, but that's a plus as far as I'm concerned. I would have loved to have had more chances to bring my son to the library this past year as it's one of his favorite places.

AADL Reply: Thank you for contacting us about library activities for your toddler. You are correct that our Events listings are not as granular as they could be, and we are working on ways to improve our software and database so that parents like you may more easily find the programs we offer that are audience-specific. I am sorry to hear that our program offerings in general are a disappointment to you and your family. We offer many family-oriented and child-oriented events throughout the year; clearly they are not meeting your family's needs, and we will try to do better. If you have suggestions for specific programs or events your family would like to see, please let me know. While I cannot promise that we will be able to implement all of them, we will certainly investigate the possibilities. In the meantime, I hope that you and your family will continue to attend our family preschool storytimes and take advantage of our collections and services, such as play areas featuring emergent-literacy toys and puzzles. Thank you for taking the time to contact us.

Date Received: 2006-12-08
Type: complaint
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: Hi: I tried a couple times at the west branch library but it is still closed for installation of carpets. The closing seems extended beyond the posted date on the door. Is there a definite date for its reopening? Thanks.

AADL Reply: Thank you for contacting us about the closure of the West branch library for re-carpeting. Both our website and the sign at West branch indicated that the branch would be closed from Monday, December 4 through Friday, December 8. The branch opened as scheduled on Saturday, December 9. The date-stamp on your comment indicates that you attempted to enter the branch on December 8, which was when staff were attempting to put materials, computers, and other equipment back where they belonged and return the branch to a useable condition in time for Saturday's opening. I am sorry for any inconvenience the closure of the branch caused you, and I hope that you are now enjoying the newly-carpeted branch.

Date Received: 2006-12-06
Type: complaint
Regarding: administration

Patron Comment: Dear AADL admin-staff: Since no one has responded to my suggestion (now made 11 days ago) written and submitted in the first-floor suggestion box, I'm trying another, less humbler (and more "technologically-prestigious") route to reach you. My first suggestion is thus that you respond more promptly to suggestions. Next, Friday, Nov. 10th you apparently designated as a staff orientation day, followed by two business-as-usual open-library days. Nowhere did I see a remembrance of Veterans Day (a national holiday) apparent at our public library on the 11th or 12th, nor could anyone among the library staff tell me of any such remembrance honouring those who have sacrificed so much to defend our right to know and be informed through speech, press and assembly. Since this library makes such an effort to honour Dr King (a great American) on the national holiday set aside in his honour, why apparently not our millions of men and women who've served and do serve in military service? I'm set to present this issue to my VFW post and other vets' organisations if no response or explanation is forthcoming from you. Please respond soon to my message, and in anticipation of this, my thanks, Sincerely, Dr James Albert DeLater

AADL Reply: I apolgize for not answering your written comment in a more timely fashion. It did arrive on my desk shortly after you submitted it. It is my fault that it was not answered properly. The Library closes each year for staff day. We choose a Federal holiday that is not one of our union negotiated closing dates. The Martin Luther King Day closure is a negotiated holiday. Usually we close on Columbus Day or Veteran's Day. It is true that we have not held a program commemmorating Veteran's Day, but we would like to do so. If you are interested in working with us to develop that program, please let me know, or the name and contact person of someone else who is interested and we can start the planning. Again, I apologize for not getting back to you in a more timely fashion, and I hope that we can work with you to honor our Veteran's at the Library. Sincerely, Josie Parker Director

Date Received: 2006-12-05
Type: other
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Do you have a Friends bookstore? If so, what are the hours of operation?

AADL Reply: Hi DeLynn, Information about the Friends of the Ann Arbor District Library is located on their website at:, or you can reach the Bookshop directly at 302-7774. Sincerely, Terry Soave Ann Arbor District Library