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The Internet Public Library (IPL)

by Sancho Panza

Available through the AADL Select Sites Libraries heading, the Internet Public Library is always available to quench your midnight AADL cravings. First check out the website’s FAQ to learn about the project’s ten-year history, from its beginnings at the University of Michigan School of Information to its current list of full-time paid staff. Then let your informational cravings take you on an adventure through the IPL’s vast collection of online resources. Just dying to learn more about the 1911 theft of the Mona Lisa? Check out the Art Attack link in the Fine Arts section to unveil a brief history of art theft and forgery. (Bonus: Mona Lisa’s googly eyes roll around in her head as you do so). Stressing over the number of cups in a gallon? Explore the IPL’s Ready Reference collection, which includes an online version of the Information Please Almanac. Sigh with relief upon discovering there are 16, and relax, because this library is always open and ready to help.

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