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Gee, Mr. Wizard

by Debbie G.

Don Herbert, who taught those of us of a certain age how to Figure It Out with goofy science experiments on TV, died yesterday. The Mr. Wizard web site lets you watch video clips of the show, peek inside his science files and work on this week's Science Secret. Mr. Wizard's legacy of fun science is alive and well at the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum. The Museum, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, currently has an historical exhibit in the lower level of the Downtown library through July 14.

Celebrate Mr. Wizard's life by participating in some of the science programs at the library this summer. Pick up a JUMP to get more details on such programs as Explodapalooza, Eggcellent Engineering, Crime Scene Insects, and more.


I remember watching Mr. Wizard’s World when I was a kid and had forgotten until I heard about Herbert's death. That was a great show!

Don Herbert was the commencement speaker at my college graduation. He was an excellent speaker and stayed well after the ceremony to talk to the students and their families. I am so sorry he's gone.

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