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- That iriterual revenua collector, H. B. BowIsod, was looking around town again on Monday. What's up ? - Company B turned out on the 22d, and marched through the principal streets, making a very fine appearance. - The Turn Vevein masquerade party, at Hangsterfer's, Tueaday evening, was largely attended, and a " heap of fun " is reported. - VV. D. Harriman, oí this city, is put down for a paper on "ludían Antiquities" at the County Pioneer Society nest Wednesday, at Yprilanti. - The next regular meeting of the Washtenaw County Pioneer's Society is tu be held at Uood Templars' Huil, Ypsilanti, on Wednesday next, March lst. - At last Clark & Cropsey have been convicted, under the city ordinanco, of selliug " square meals " - or keeping a restaurant, without a license. Fmed f2.3 and costs. They appeal. - Wm. Bell and Cliut. Wade were convicted at Dexter, on Friday last, on a charge oí stealing pelts and poultry, and are now " at home " for 90 days at the Detroit Housa of Correction. - The Coiiiwater Iiepuhlicnn has this among its Uuiou City items : " H. L. Beach, of the üni n City House, has leased the (Jregory House at Am Arbor, and will take possession March lst." - Wednesday moming was one of the cold est of the season. Üur thermometer m&rket 2 dcg. above zero at 7 A. M.; at au earlier hou it was colder, as it was at the same hour in the lower parts of the city. - The Executive Committee oí the Wash tenaw County Agricultural Society will mee at the Court House in this city, at 10 o'clacl A. M., to-morrow. to act upon the report of the sub-committee on premium list, etc. - Joe T. Jacobs has purchased his partner's interest, and hereafter will be the sole anc only " boss " of the " One Price Clothing Store." Joe has tried that little thing before aud knows how to "playa loue hand." - A. L. Noble, late of the firm of Jo T Jacobs & Co., haa reuted the store lately occupied by E. Blood, corner of Main and Washington streets, and as soon as it is fitted up will lili it with a full and complete new stock of ciothing. - " It were very cold this raorning, and my thing were down to zero : " that was the expressive report good honest R. M., an Ann street raeat seller, gave of the condition of his thermometer on Weduesday morning. Eoger never puts on any airs. - W. G. Shipman, City Marshal of Ypsilanti and ex-offieio tax collector, settled with the Couiity Treasurer yesterday and got his " bill of clearanee." His total asseased tax was 42,056.7O, of which $19,989.28 was for city and ward taxes, and f 14,936.(18 school taxes. He returned as uncollected, lst district Í335.00; 2d district, Ï169.81. Total, $499.83. - In Justice Clark's court, on Monday, August Herz was couvicted ou a complaint, made uuder the city ordinauce, for keeping a saloon without a license, and fined $2;5 and costa. Aud Duim is not done with him yet, he having already commenced suit for selling liquor to a minor (Dunn's son), besldes holding the fear oí a ritation from froru a U. S. Commissiouer over his head. " The combat deepens." - The exaraination oí C. W. Crafts, en a charge of bastardy, which was to have come off betore Justice McMahon on Wednesday, ivas contiuued, becau3e of the sickness of the complainmg witne83. This wituess - Belle Dorsey - has her home in the county house, and was yesterday supposud to be at the pomt of death, the result of an attempted abortion, EO the justice advised us. And who and where are the men who have dragged this woman down from virtue to a degraded life and death's door? - Wm. J. O'Neill, of Manchester, was "brought before Justice Beahan ou Monday, charged with makiag aud uttering a forged note, - his father's beiug the name irregularly aud unlawfully used. The examination was postponed to March 6tli. We uaderstand that another complaiut had been made at Manchester against the same party - on another note "which has since been paid - but discontinued. The poliey of the Jaw doesn't countenance tïie commencement of criminal prosecutions to aid in the collection of debts.