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Come learn about a new technique for your health and well-being

by DavidQ

On Wednesday, September 9th at 7 pm at the Pittsfield Branch, we will host a program lead by local resident Michelle Obrecht about the Alexander Technique, a set of practices for improving health and well-being. I had never heard of the technique, so I asked Michelle to provide a description, and she wrote:

"The Alexander Technique is a 100-year old process of postural re-education designed to promote self-awareness and enhance well-being. Most of us are completely unaware of the many unconscious habits we have that result in spinal compression and restricted breathing. Alexander Technique provides a specific formula that helps us shed self-defeating postural habits and replace them with habits of elongation and expansion. Most people think of posture as something rigid and held; on the contrary, Alexander work teaches that good posture is simply an attunement with the balance that nature has
intrinsically provided us."

When I asked her what equipment she will need, she said "I'll just need a straight-backed chair."

It sounds interesting and like something we can do in our own homes. Come check it out!

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