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Some Favorite Series

by Blanche

It’s always fun to discover a new series, or an old one, and settle down to hours of good reading. Here are a few of my favorites, with a slight prejudice for fantasy. The Bagthorpe Saga by Helen Cresswell is a very funny series about a very eccentric British family, sort of an Arrested Development for kids. Jack is the hero who has to put up with the outrageous antics of a demented aunt, a contentious grandmother and a totally self-centered father. Sound familiar? Tales of Gom in the Legends of Ulm by Grace Chetwin is full of mountain lore, wizardry and adventure. After his mother disappears, Gom must solve the mystery of a strange rune that she has left him.

Subsequent adventures lead Gom to his mother and to the discovery of his power. The DarkAngel Trilogy by Meredith Ann Pierce begins when Aeriel sets out to destroy the vampire Irrylath, but chooses to love him instead. Her quest is to break the spell of the witch who has enchanted him. My all-time favorite is The Dark is Rising series by Susan Cooper. When Will Stanton, age 11, discovers he is the last of the Old Ones, he and his siblings must uncover the items necessary to vanquish the rising forces of the Dark. This series is a wonderful read-aloud. Two of the five of this series are Newbery winners.

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