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Blog Action Day

by manz

October 15 is Blog Action Day. Where the question asked is: “What would happen if every blog published posts discussing the same issue, on the same day?” The issue this year is the environment. It is encouraged for everyone with a blog to post something about the environment relating it to their own topic.

The library has many great books about the environment, both fact and opinion based. One of my favorite authors to tackle environmental issues is Derrick Jensen. He does it in such a personal way and his books really punch you in the gut and make you think about the world around you and your existence in it. Here are a few of his books that we have at the AADL: A Language Older Than Words, The Culture of Make Believe, Endgame Volume I, The problem of civilization, and Endgame Volume II, Resistance. Log into your own blog and get posting!

Graphic for blog posts

Blog Post