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New Spanish books for adults!

by Tara LS

Here is a selection of new adult Spanish books at the library. Use the links below to reserve a book or browse the shelves at each branch looking for the "NEW" stickers on each book. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about Spanish books at the library, e-mail Enjoy!
La fortuna de Matilda Turpin por Álvaro Pombo
Winner of the 2006 Premio Planeta, Alvaro Pombo's novel is a forceful novel about dealing with loss, grief and family. The main character, Juan Campos, a retired philosophy professor, deals with the mixed legacy of his late wife, Matilda Turpin, a spirited businesswoman who died suddenly, leaving behind three children and Antonio and Emilia, a couple who has been the family's servants and friends for decades.
La dama azul por Javier Sierra
A historical novel, researched for 7 years and based on factual evidence and historical documents, set in the 17th century in the Rio Grande area of New Mexico which deals with ecclesiastical intrigue, secret societies, and a mysterious murder, this book is reminiscent of the Da Vinci Code and is one of the many popular Spanish language historical novels.
Lo que le falta al tiempo
A novel by Columbian author, Angela Becerra, set in the art world of Paris, where a centuries-old secret society is searching for a mysterious treasure of inestimable worth. Criticas Magazine, says the book is similar to the Da Vinci Code (like "La Dama Azul") at its simplest level, but distinguishes itself with complexity of character and story as well as its depth and eloquent prose containing several climaxes and denouements.

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