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Foreign language books at the library!

by Tara LS

If you know another language besides English, you may want to check out the library's large and continuously growing Foreign Language Collection.

We have many different languages including Chinese, Spanish, Korean, Indian languages (including Hindi, Gujarathi, Marathi, Kannada, Panjabi, Malayalam, Bengali, Telegu, Tamil and Urdu) Arabic, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Hebrew, Portuguese, Farsi and Italian.

We have books in all those languages at all the branches of the library available for check-out. The selection varies from branch to branch, so it's nice to browse the foreign language collections at each branch. Our largest collection is downtown on the third floor of the main branch.

If you don't see a language in that list that would be good for our collection or if you have any suggestions, comments or questions about foreign language books at the Ann Arbor Library, please e-mail

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