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More new Arabic books

by Tara LS

More new Arabic books at all library locations. Look for the new "FLC 7/07" stickers on each book when browsing or search the catalog by call number ranging from "FLC ARA 152" to "FLC ARA 191". If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about Arabic books or other foreign language books at the library, please e-mail

al-Zaynī Barakāt by Jamāl al-Ghīṭānī.
ʻAbir sarīr : riwāyah / Ahlam Mustaghanimi
Shahrazaad tarhil ila al-gharb(Sheherazade goes west) by Fatima Mernissi
al-Manzar by Tamim al-Barghouti
Hikaayati sharhun yatul by Hanan al-Shaiq
al-ʻUsfuriyah by Ghaza ʻAbd al-Rahman al-Qusaybi

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