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A2 Events: Need a new groove for spring?

by jillean

Try contact improvisation dance and move where the groove takes you. On Saturday May 5th and Sunday May 6th local contact improv teacher, Stefanie Cohen will host a visit by Kathleen Maltese, a Chicago-based dancer, teacher and co-founder of the Chicago Contact Improvisation Group, for a special series of classes where students will explore the practice of falling and jamming. The event will also include dancers from throughout the Great Lakes region, an open dance for all, food, and live music by Detroit band Immigrant Suns. For more information, check out the Ann Arbor/Detroit Contact Improvisation website. If you want to read more about contact improv, check out:

Dances That Describe Themselves: The Improvised Choreography of Richard Bull
Choreography: A Basic Approach Using Improvisation
The Moment of Movement: Dance Improvisation
Speaking of Dance: Twelve Contemporary Choreographers on Their Craft

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