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What’s New: Horror Films. You Scared?

by manz

What’s nice about browsing DVDs in the catalog is that that you can also browse DVDs by genre. It’s helpful if you’re looking for a particular mood or theme, or want a very narrow list. After you pull up a list of just Westerns or Comedy, you can then sort the list to see the newest items listed first. Handy! How about some new-to-AADL horror flicks? Gotcha.

Triangle: "When Jess sets sail on a yacht with a group of friends, she cannot shake the feeling that there is something wrong. Her suspicions are realized when the yacht hits a storm and the group is forced to board a passing ocean liner to get to safety, a ship Jess is convinced she's been on before. The ship appears deserted, the clock on board has stopped, but they are not alone... Someone is intent on hunting them down, one by one." (Also available on Blu-ray.)

The Traveler: "Mr. Nobod (played by Val Kilmer) is a mysterious stranger whose past threatens to haunt the lives of six unsuspecting sheriff's deputies. The moment he arrives in their small town police station, confessing to multiple murders that have yet to occur, their lives are forever changed."

Rubber: "Robert, an inanimate tire that was abandoned in the desert, suddenly and inexplicably comes to life. As Robert roams the landscape, he discovers that he possesses terrifying telepathic powers that give him the ability to destroy anything without having to move. Content to prey on small desert creatures and discarded objects, his attention soon turns to humans, especially a beautiful and mysterious woman who crosses his path. Robert becomes a chaotic force to be reckoned with." (Also available on Blu-ray.)

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