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Downloading Books from the NLS Catalog

by monkk

You may already know that the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped maintains a complete catalog of all audio and Braille books in its collection, but did you know that BARD users can initiate downloads directly from this catalog? Be sure to use the Voyager interface (rather than the text interface) to search. Enter your search terms, and then select the quick limits option "NLS Digital Talking Books," which will limit the results of your search to books available to download. When you find a book you're interested in, click the title to get the brief record, and find the link that says "downloadable talking book." Clicking this link will take you to the BARD page where you will be required to enter your username and password for the download to begin. This feature is helpful for readers who want more control and flexibility in their searches than the BARD search pages currently offer; or, those who want more information about a book than the BARD listings provide.

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