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Annie's Ghosts = Memoir + Mystery + History

by annevm

Steve Luxenberg, an editor at the Washington Post, wrote a fascinating 2009 book chronicling his search for Annie Cohen, his aunt hidden from family history for years in Eloise mental hospital in Detroit. The book is Annie's Ghosts: A Journey Into a Family Secret. Luxenberg grew up believing his mother was an only child, but after she died in 1999, he pursued the secret of her mildly retarded sister -- through letters, archives, and interviews. Meticulous investigative reporting gives the book spine; Luxenberg's emotional journey gives it heart. His book is dedicated "To Mom and Annie, too late to be set free; to 'the 5,000,' who still might be . . . " meaning other former Eloise residents. This book was named a Michigan Notable Book.


This DOES sound fascinating. Eloise has such a interesting history on it's own, and someone's personal family story involving the hospital seems even more intriguing. Thanks for sharing this!

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