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1960s TV Action, Adventure and Other Worlds on DVD

by darla

Did you know we have hundreds of old television shows on DVD here at the AADL?
If you are a fan of action and adventure shows from the 1960s, head to your closest library and check out our selection. For a classic western, watch Clint Eastwood in Rawhide. Try The Invaders if you have concerns about alien invasion. For more on space, the final frontier, check out the original Star Trek series. Fans of secret agents will enjoy Mission Impossible (this was Leonard Nimoy's show after his run on Star Trek!) and The Man From U.N.C.L.E.. For a police drama, check out The Mod Squad. For a gothic soap opera with vampires and the like, look for the campy cult classic Dark Shadows. We also have lots of old Twilight Zone episodes on DVD for fans of watching ordinary people finding themselves in extraordinary situations.


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