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When the Sky Breaks



I dropped from the sky like a stone.


My metallic curls flew into my face. I eyed the city below as I plummeted. The Autumn colors of Central Park grew closer. Sweet Mother of Sol. I closed my eyes, and prayed for my life. The water hit me with a bang. I would’ve died if I wasn’t a celestial being with no actual shape or form. Frankly, I shouldn’t have been hurt at all, but the pain in my rear was probably just a warning from the King that I wasn’t completely trusted yet. My arms sprawled over the side of the trickling fountain. I caught a few humans staring at me. I guess it would seem pretty strange to see what appeared to be a teenage girl swimming in their fountain in the middle of October. I climbed out. Overcast clouds hung over the naked trees, the humans strolled through the autumn leaves in small groups. I hugged myself, and shivered, even though I couldn’t feel the cold. Apparently, the Mistress wasn’t the only one feeling a bit out of sorts. I ran a hand through my shining hair, bits of stardust sprinkled out onto the concrete. I had to find the Fire.


“Hey, you!” A childish voice called out. A young boy holding a brightly colored toy gun ran at me. “You’re under arrest, Miss!” I noticed a plastic junior police badge pinned to his orange shirt. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end like there was static in the air.


“Aaron!” An ancient couple hobbled toward us. The old lady smiled up at me with stone-cold eyes. “Sorry, young lady. Our grandson has yet to learn some proper manners.” She took the boy’s arm rather roughly for a weak, old grandma.


“Oh, that’s perfectly fine, Mrs.-”


“Nickle.” The crows-feet, and dimples on her face seemed like a mask. “You can call me Stella, dear.” Stella. Where had I heard that name before? My eyes shot over to the grandfather. He had been as silent as a rock the entire time.


“My name’s-” I said the first name that popped into my head. “Peony King. Nice to meet you Ma’am.” I regretted the name choice as soon as it slipped out of my mouth.


Stella’s eyebrows arched. “Have we met before, dear?” Her words made my blood run cold. The memory clicked. Stella Celine. Criminal. Assassin. The Mistress’s right-hand star. She had been sent to make sure I never found the Fire. But who was her “husband,” and why were they pretending to be the human boy’s grandparents?


“No, I don’t believe we have.” I hoped she didn’t notice my quivering thighs. I had no training for this at all. If we had to fight face to face, I was dead. I glanced at the human boy, Aaron. I had to get them away from him. But then how would I find the Fire?


“Well, we must be off.” Stella kept gripping the boy’s arm. “Have a wonderful day, Miss Peony.” They turned to hobble off.


I would have to strike the impostors down by surprise. And quickly. That little old woman hobbled with the speed of a flaming comet. I closed my eyes, taking comfort in the darkness. My moonlight was waiting for me. I’ve never really been able to explain it to others, but I’ve always had this trail of moonlight following me wherever I go. And sometimes, it was my only weapon. I took a chunk of it, and opened my eyes. The three were at least two hundred feet away. The human boy was walking in between them, so I had two shots to get it right. First I aimed at Stella. I let the moonlight form an orb in my hand. I pitched it straight for the assassin's big, bony head. The orb cut through the air with master force. Unfortunately, my aim was off by a mile. The moonlight sailed right by her, and exploded into a tree. I cursed. The trio jumped back. Stella turned back to me, grandmotherly mask lifted. Her white hair shifted to a silvery shade that matched mine.


“Lumen Kya.” She sneered. “The traitor.”


I took in a breath. “Wake up and see the real villain here. The Mistress is using you.”


I caught Aaron’s eye. White light glowed from his curled hand. White light. A realization struck my mushy, star-bent, brain like a well-aimed rock. He had the Fire inside him. The Mistress had hidden it inside him.


Stella chuckled.“Poor sister, you are confused.” I caught a glint of shiny metal in her hand. A dagger. I took a few steps toward her, and she did the same.


“You’re sick.” I spit. If I could distract her long enough, I would be able to grab the boy and run, but there was still the risk of the silent old man that hovered near Stella’s shoulder.


“Kill her, Rodor.” Stella poked her silent companion. Rodor looked up. His pasty skin melted away, and dripped down into a black puddle. I almost gagged. The puddle took on the shape of a short female with curly hair. Me. I flashed a little moonlight in Stella’s eyes, and ripped Aaron away from her. I probably made him run a little faster than we needed to, but hey, I was freaked out.


“What’s that?” He panted, pointing at the dark shape following me. I must’ve looked pretty scared, because when I looked at him, his eyes widened further.


“Shadow.” I pulled him along faster. “Your grandfather was a Shadow. He’ll stick to me forever unless we burn him off.” I explained. Aaron didn’t show surprise if he felt any.


“I have a lighter.”


“Pardon?” We slowed to a stop. Aaron fished around in his pocket, and pulled out a lighter. Who lets their eight, maybe nine-year-old carry around a lighter? “Is that your lighter?” I accused.


He shrugged. “Papa always smoked around me. I didn’t like it.” The Shadow noticed the flame, and tried to claw open my back. I cried out.


“Hurry!” One millisecond my back was searing hot, the next it was back to my usual chill. I looked back at Aaron. “You are a very strange boy.” He grinned. A bustling road sprawled out in front of us. We had run so far, we were almost out of Central Park. “Aaron, listen-” I bent down to look at him.


“You’re a star, aren’t you?”


“Yes.” I bit my lip. He must know who he is.


“My mom was a beam.” His big brown eyes glazed over.






“Do you know about the fiery stuff inside you?” He nodded. “It gives you energy, doesn’t it?” His eyes widened.“I have been sent down by the most powerful being in the universe to retrieve that Fire.” Fear flashed across Aaron’s face.


“Will it hurt?” He whimpered.


I shook my head. “He is very kind.” I straightened up. “What’s the fastest way to the Empire State building?” He seemed to take comfort in this. “Follow me.” And we continued our run into oncoming traffic. We wove through the streets, leaving the trees of Central Park behind. Finally, we reached the building. After going through security that seemed to last a lifetime, and pick-pocketing more than one person’s wallet to pay for tickets, we reached the top. A flock of birds flew close overhead. The wind whipped at us through the security bars. I hated myself for bringing a child up here. I hated myself for what I had to make him do. Not letting go of his hand, I led him through the crowd, and up to the bars. Aaron turned green.


“Do you trust me?” My curls flew into my face. He didn’t answer. “Aaron! Do you trust me?” He glanced over the edge.


“I-I-” Aaron’s eyes shot around guiltily. “No.”


“Good.” I ran a finger along the bars. “That means you have common sense.” I have to admit it; I felt completely insane. An icy hand rested on my arm. I strangled my scream. The Mistress. Her silvery head was veiled with the same ugly cloak that she wore when she was on her little trips to Earth to kill the mortals. Aaron’s hand grew hot in mine. If we didn’t get up to the Sky soon, he would burst.


“Hello, Mother.” I fought the urge to slap her across the face.


“Hello, my child. You have come far.” She traced her jagged nail along my cheek, scratching me. Cool blood ran from the cut. I backed Aaron up against the bars. He whimpered. The Mistress took notice of him. She reached over, and plucked his fake badge off of his shirt. She snorted at it. “I’ve never understood you mortals.” She tossed it over the side. My mother spread her arms. “Give me the boy now, and I’ll spare your life.”


“Beat it.” I told her. She cackled. Dark slime snaked out of her sleeves, and crept toward us. I braced myself. I let Aaron and me disintegrate just long enough for us to pass right through the bars. Aaron screamed. We plunged through the air, wind biting our arms and roaring in our ears. The last thing I saw before I blacked out was a wiry old woman jumping from the building after us.


The light made my eyes boil inside their sockets. I sat up. I was alone. My legs dangled over the side of a blindingly white cot. Rows of other cots lined the room. It was some sort of infirmary. I put a hand to my cheek. The scratch was gone. We had reached the Sky. My heart fluttered. The marbled floor was cool against my bare feet. I exited the room, and made my way down the hall to the throne room. I stopped at the door. Someone was laughing, a child. I pushed open the ivory doors. Two occupied thrones sat at the head of the room. Aaron sat in the smaller one, admiring the deep engravings, and talking with the occupant of the larger throne.


“Lumen!” The huge, bearded man rose. “Lumen Kya, my warrior!” Sol, King of the Skies, rushed forward, and attacked me in a huge bear hug. He let go quickly, for we both knew if we stayed in contact for too long, I would burn up. My face turned scarlet. I gave a hasty bow.


“What about-”


“The war? We won of course!”


“A-and the Mistress?”


His thundering laugh shook the throne room. “Don’t worry, child, your mistress is long gone.” My shoulders dropped. She was gone. The source of all of my suffering was gone. A shining tear slipped down from my eye. I was free. Aaron shot forward, and tackled me in a strangling hug. I hugged him back. We made it.