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Happily Ever After


A wedding ring. A symbol of hope, love and trust. She couldn’t wait to have that ring. After years of falling in love, he finally gave her the wedding ring she always wanted. She loved that ring. She loved him. As her days went on so did the ring. The ring was covered in a mess of cookie dough. The warm waters of mexico. Tapping against their kitchen table. Scratching against the child safety of a prescription pill bottle. The ring was thrown against the egg shell white paint on the wall time and time again. And time and time again the ring was put back on her slim finger. She sat down at her desk fidgeting with her wedding ring, marveling at its beauty once again. She returns home to see the person who gave her the ring lying with another woman. She runs out frantically trying to take off the ring. It won’t budge. She ignores it and grabs the pill bottle. She collapses on the floor as the ring slides off her finger and rolls into the corner.