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Database Spotlight:

by manz

Would you like to read or read more but don’t have time? is a way you can receive books in your email inbox. Although is included on AADL’s long list of many databases, what’s nice about it is that you don’t have to log in to your AADL account to access it. You can go straight to from any computer without logging in.

With, Monday through Friday you receive 5 minute sequential reads of part of a book, and by the end of the week you will have read 2-3 chapters. At that point you can stop or continue reading by finding the book at your library or in a store. You sign up simply by entering your email address and choosing a genre on (You may choose more than one genre.) Some of the genres are Business, Science Fiction, Author Buzz, Nonfiction, Mystery, Pre-publication, Teen, Good News, Thriller, and Classics. You can unsubscribe at any time, and the emails have a link to check availability at your own library. There is a book forum for each book so if they choose to- readers get a chance to chat about the books with each other. Readers can also check out past books and read emails they may have missed.

It all started when Suzanne Beecher was sending 5 minute excerpts of books to her staff after some of them had complained that they didn’t have time to read. Many found that reading Suzanne’s snippets got them hooked on books again. Now more than 375,000 library patrons start their morning with a book excerpt in their email, thanks to


I absolutely love and Suzanne Beecher! Suzanne has a great way of inviting you into her life filled with lots of recipes, her lovabale cats and wacky stories, and has monthly drawings to win Chocolate chip cookies! I have been a satisfied reader of Suzanne's blog and my chapter selections for over two years now. I subscribe to the Teen, Romance, Fiction and Mystery book excerpts and have found some gems that way.

In reply to by ErinDurrett

Erin, I'm so glad to hear that you are loving the service. You can't go wrong with someone who offers a cookie contest! I currently subscribel to Teen and Good News. It's quite a fun way to get the word on books.

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