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Flow’s Journey


    Once upon a time in a little seedling called Flow, sprouted from a soft fragrant grassy meadow as a tiny sproutling. She wanted to be the most beautiful daisy ever, but when she told her mom that she wanted to be a daisy her mom laughed and said “Oh silly little Flow! You are just a dandelion!” Flow replied,

“Well that is what I want to be and you can’t stop me from wanting to be a daisy!”

“But sweetheart you can’t be serious! No dandelion has ever been turned into a daisy without being tremendously hurt or worse! You would have to travel so far to see the great and wise Rose Fairy. Only your uncle Jon has ever seen her, and even then she did not grant him a wish! But he sighed and told us EXACTLY what she looked like. He said she was beautiful! She had auburn hair that had soft pink roses embedded in it.”There was a small pause while Flow thought for a bit.

“Mommy? Can you take me to see her?”

“No sweetie.”

And so ever since that day Flow has been waiting for her seventh birthday where in her town was old enough to go out on your own. Finally, after years of waiting she was old enough to go and she celebrated her birthday .On the day she left she only brought food, water, and a flashlight. On the first day of her journey she decided to go for a swim in a silvery pool of water. When she stepped into the pool almost immediately a  swarm of fish appeared and started to snap at her roots. She screamed in terror and jumped out of the pool. She grabbed her stuff and 

sighed “That was a close one!” and she set off again.

    All of a sudden she met a baby lavender in the middle of a  field. She seemed lost and scared.Flow spontaneously ran over and asked the little lavender “Where are your parents,and what is your name little one?” The little lavender replied by saying my name is Petal and my parents…”and Petal started to cry. Flow quietly asked again “Where are your parents? They shouldn't leave young children like yourself out in the middle of a wheat field.” Petal sobbed “My parents are dead!They got squished by that terrible brown thing with floppy ears and a tail!” And Petal started to cry once more except louder like a waterfall. Flow was stunned. She had always thought that adult flowers were the strongest! Flow asked Petal, ”Would you like to come with me on my journey?” Petal replied with what sounded like a sniffling “Yes please.” They set off again towards a swampy, muddy area of land.

    When they got there a monster arose from the mud. It was drenched in a gooey brown mud with a foul odor like he had just eaten something that smelled like trash. Flow and Petal were frozen in fear, but then when Flow regained consciousness she screamed for Petal to run. But when Petal wouldn't budge, Flow grabbed Petal by the stem and they fled far enough so that she couldn't see the monster. She looked around her surroundings and saw that she was back in the grassy meadow. As night fell, Petal suddenly looked up,and whispered to Flow”someone is over there, Flow I can see someone!”

Flow slowly tip-toed over to the shadow and saw a teenage flower pacing around on his roots.She asked him “What is your name boy?” The boy replied slowly”My name is Stemin. What is your name?” Flow said proudly “My name is Flow and this is Petal. Ummm where are your parents Stemin?” Stemin’s eyes started to fill up so quickly it looked like he was about to explode into water. Stemin started to sob “My poor parents! They left me here with my sister and then they disappeared and they still haven’t come back! And then my sister disappeared to go find them and now I am all alone with no one!” And he continued to cry. Well since there were now two children and herself which made three, Flow sighed heavily and said, “I guess the right thing too do is to bring you guys to my home village.” Stemin and Petal squealed in joy and they headed in the direction of Flow’s home village and saw that they would go straight into the muddy, swampy area of land. When they got there the mud monster was sleeping peacefully in the land. They attempted to sneak past it but the monster woke up from it’s peaceful slumber. Suddenly the monster woke up and screamed at them”YUMMY YUMMY PLANTS! THEY TASTE SO GOOD IN MY MOUTH!”And he chased them around the swamp until he was out of breath. The three of them started to go towards the terrible monster and shouted at it,”WE ARE NOT FOR EATING YOU CREATURE!” THe mud monster looked at them and asked “Well why not?”

    “B-Because we said so!“

    “Well my mommy told me that plants are good to eat and they are yummy to! My mommy is ALWAYS right.”

    “How about we make a deal monster,if you let us go then we will give you a leaf. How is that?”

    “Fine,but you better give me a leaf right this instant!”

    Well it just so happened that there were plenty of lily pads floating around, and they each snagged one of the lily pads and cried out pain “Why world! My leaf hurts so very much and I am in soooo much pain!”The monster grabbed up the lily pads and stated in triumph “Ha ha ha! Now I can have a delicious feast of plants!” And the monster staggered away. The plants were so happy they escaped with they’re lives, they ran all the way back to Flow’s village. When they got back Flow realized that her petals had suddenly started to turn a fresh, snowy, white and saw yellow all on her face. She then saw that she was becoming a daisy and saw a girl with auburn hair and realized that the Rose Fairy had just made her wish come true. The Rose Fairy left with the a wise saying,”Good things come to good people my darling. Good things.”