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Voices of Fairy Tales

by withyourkids

There is a whole world of childhood magic at the Downtown library. When visiting be sure to look along Fairy Tale and Folk Tale collection which expands across the back wall. Be sure to speak quietly when you walk past the Fairy House.

"There is no such thing as fairies," one child exclaimed during a recent visit to the library. "No there is. You just have to really, really, believe."

Fairy tales hold importance in fostering imagination as well as self esteem, explains childhood author, Bruno Bettelheim in his book, The Uses of Enchantment. In the book he points out the child’s need for magic in order to work out their own desire, anxieties and feelings.

The child benefits from repeated reciting. Then, “the child feels which of the many fairy tales is true to his inner situation of the moment and he also feels where the story provides him with a handle for coming to grips with a difficult problem.”

AADL has an extensive Folklore and Fairy Tale collection beginning with The Complete Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm. Check out the Multi-Cultural Fairy Tales collection including Can you guess my name?: traditional tales around the world by Judy Sierra.

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