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Bird is the Word!

by manz

Hello everybody, and how do you do?! This week Ms. Amanda told bird stories at preschool storytime! Tweet tweet!

We heard the story of A Funny Little Bird who is great at camouflage. We heard the story of Home Tweet Home, where two little birds left the nest and flew off to live somewhere else…. Like on top of a tortoise! And we listened to I Heard Said the Bird, where there is a new one born and the silly farm animals are trying to figure out which animal has a new baby.

We hung out with a parrot, an ostrich, an owl, a turkey, and a penguin, and it was a fun time!

Here’s a handy list of all the stories we’ve read together this summer at preschool storytime, and here are more bird books if you’re looking for more wing-flapping fun.


I love when librarians provide details of storytimes so that those of us who missed attending can read the books to our littles ourselves!

That's great to hear! A few of us keep public lists of the books we read, which you can find by searching "storytime" in public lists.

And if you follow the "preschool storytime" link on the blog posts you'll get more posts about what some of us cover during storytimes.


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Preschool Storytimes