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Before The Road Trip . . . Visit Your Library!

by kidlit

Before you start out on that long car trip with your kids, be sure to make a trip to your local library. We have many things that will keep all of you entertained as the miles roll by.

There are many classic books on compact discs that are as interesting for adults as they are for kids. For example, Charlotte's Web by E.B. White. The movie is opening in December. You'll all want to have read it by the time you go see it. Be sure to take a look at the BOCD collections in our youth departments. You're sure to find some great titles for family listening.

We also have some great puzzle books for kids that might keep then occupied for hours.
The subject that all of these are listed under is Games for Travelers.
Way Cool License Plate Book
Smileage: Fun Travel Games & Activities for All Ages
Ha! Ha! Ha!: 1000 + Jokes, Riddles, Facts and More

And don't forget to check out the music section. There's nothing like a good sing-along. Let's hear it . . . "99 bottles of pop on the wall . . . "

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