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Smell and Tell: Stories of Anosmia

by hillary dorwart

Saturday June 8, 2013: 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm -- Downtown Library: Multi-Purpose Room

Sensory loss is visible in the blind and the deaf, but what about people who lose their sense of smell?

Michelle Krell Kydd, editor of Glass Petal Smoke (, spent time talking to congenital and acquired anosmics to get a better understanding of how the absence of the sense of smell has affected their lives. What she's learned will inspire you to pay attention to a sense that is closely linked to memory.


I am so excited to see that Michelle is coming back to the AADL yet again to do a smell workshop. I really enjoyed talking with her at the Play Connection program back in the winter at the Pittsfield branch. Wish I could attend this program, but will be doing yarn bombing at Pittsfield all day. Hope to see her come back to the AADL in the future!

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