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Newsweek Magazine Now an All-Digital Format

by Bertha

After 80 years in print, Newsweek, will transition to an all-digital format, with the last print edition in the U.S. being the December 31, 2012 issue.

Newsweek Global, as the all-digital publication will be named, will be a single, worldwide edition. Tina Brown is the current editor-in-chief of The Daily Beast and Newsweek.

She is also the author of the 2007 New York Times best seller The Diana Chronicles.

Right now the cost stays the same as the print copy had been, $4.99 per 'issue.' The first issue of Newsweek was dated Feb. 17, 1933, cost a dime, and was founded in 1933 by a former Time foreign editor, Thomas J.C. Martyn.

Currently, the magazine 'Time' remains in print format.


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