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Homework Help

by jaegerla

With a focus on the kindergarten to sixth grade age set, InfoTrac Kid’s Edition is an easy to use homework helper for youngsters. Students looking for information to include in an essay, presentation, or report have access to a variety of sources through this database. The main draw to InfoTrac Kid’s Edition is the constant access to online help in case users need assistance locating articles of interest. This is a must-see for kids new to database usage.

Access to this and any of our other reference databases and resources is available at every branch of the AADL, as well as from outside the library with a valid AADL library card. For access from an outside location, please sign in to your library account, visit our reference database page, and navigate to the desired resource. To access InfoTrac Kid’s Edition, go to the research page, and select InfoTrac Kid’s Edition from the Kids category.

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