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General One File: 104,000,000 Articles And Counting

by jaegerla

General One File is a fantastic resource for anyone looking for research sources, articles to support an idea, or even information to satisfy curiosity on a topic. This database currently contains 104,410,479 articles published between 1980 and the present day (and the collection of articles is constantly growing). Here you can access full text articles and images on a wide range of topics, including business, computers, current events, economics, education, environmental issues, health care, hobbies, humanities, law, literature and art, politics, science, social science, sports, and technology.

Access to this and any of our other reference databases and resources is available at every branch of the AADL, as well as from outside the library with a valid AADL library card. For access from an outside location, please sign in to your library account, visit our reference database page, and navigate to the desired resource. To access General One File, go to the research page and select General One File from the Magazine Articles category.


This is so great to have access too--I don't need to buy a subscription from jstor or some other database. Thank you!

I've found General One File to also be a great source for research papers. Gale reference and One File are often the first two databases I search through.

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