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Heritage Quest

by pkooger

Interested in finding historical records for your ancestors? not doing the trick? Try Heritage Quest. This database contains images of federal censuses, thousands of family and local histories, and millions of other historical articles and documents. You can also use Heritage Quest to search for individuals in Freedman’s Bank, which was founded to provide services to newly emancipated African-Americans. Explore your family history! Access to this and any of our other reference databases and resources is available at every branch of the AADL, as well as from outside the library with a valid AADL library card. For access from an outside location, please sign in to your library account, visit our reference database page, and navigate to the desired resource. To access Heritage Quest, go to the research page, and select Heritage Quest from the Genealogy category.


I haven't tried, but having this available makes me more seriously consider reserching my ancestors. My parents may also be interesting in this, although I'll have to help them use it.

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