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Sixty Six, on DVD

by manz

The film is set in 1966 England and centers around 12yr old Bernie. Young Bernie is ignored by his family, which is comprised of an eccentric, obsessive compulsive father, an annoying, attention-hogging brother, and a doting, quirky mother. In studying for his upcoming Bar Mitzvah he discovers that this will be the biggest day of his life, the day he will become a man. Which means this will be his day to shine, a day when all attention will be focused on him and not his brother Alvy! He soon begins planning the perfect Bar Mitzvah, which will be far better than Alvy’s, complete with live music, planned seating, and plenty of gifts. But wait. His plan is foiled at the start of the World Cup, and England making into the finals- which will take place on the same day as his Bar Mitzvah. How will Bernie make it through all this competition? If you liked Billy Elliot you’ll enjoy this coming of age tale.

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