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Teen Book: The Future of Us

by annevm

This hilarious, meaningful, romantic comedy is set in 1996, before Facebook was even invented. But teens Josh and Emma -- who have been neighbors and best friends almost their whole lives -- suddenly are able to log on, and presto, their Facebook pages show their lives 15 years in the future, in about 2011. This very clever sci-fi-ish idea makes for highly entertaining reading. In the course of the novel, Josh and Emma realize that decisions they are making now will affect their lives down the road (great life lesson!).

This mostly lighthearted and delightful story comes to us from Jay Asher, author of the bestselling Thirteen Reasons Why, and Carolyn Mackler, author of The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things, which was chosen a Michael L. Printz Honor Book. Hooray for these two awesome authors! Together they have created a wonderful new book. It's a quick read in which I found myself caring about these two teens, their relationship, and their world -- and cheering when they logged off and spent more time in the non-Facebook universe.


Thanks for the blog, this book sounds great! I am putting it on hold for my teenager.


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