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Why did Gandhi make salt?

by Maxine

On April 6, 1930, Mahatma Gandhi made a silent but symbolic protest to British indifference to Indians' civil rights. He and his followers marched 241 miles, leaving March 12th and arriving in the city of Dandi on April 5th. The next day, he made salt by evaporating sea water. This was illegal because only royalty had the privilege of making salt and a heavy tax was placed on everyone else. This protest, in which thousands besides Gandhi were arrested, gained worldwide attention as an example of the effectiveness of non-violent resistance.

For more on Gandhi, the Library has a dvd of Gandhi, the movie, with original footage of Gandhi in England and his death march. For reading, try Mahatma Gandhi: Nonviolent Power in Action by Dennis Dalton. This is an excellent study of Gandhi's concept of satyagraha or non-violent resistance.

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