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A City Flock

by eby

Over the weekend NPR had a segment on urban livestock and the increased interest in it. You can listen to the short story here:

As you probably know Ann Arbor recently passed Ordinance No. 08-19 (Chapter 107 Animals) which allows you to purchase a permit to raise hens. Roosters aren't allowed but you don't need one to get eggs for eating.

However, raising animals may be a big step for some and AADL has some great resources to help you learn more:

You can also find some good books on MeLCat:

The Ann Arbor News also had a post in early 2008 about raising chickens, including this video of Jamie Innis a Dexter 4-H member:

If it still seems intimidating, some enterprising farms are beginning a "rent-a-coop" program. They take care of housing them and making sure the hens get everything they need. You visit as often as you want and pick up your eggs. Similar to a share program but also a possibility if you want to ease into things as you can take the chickens home once you become more familiar with the process. Once farm looking into this option is Destiny Farm Gardens near Brighton, who also makes coops and delivers them. If you know of other places near by that provide a similar service please comment.


The Downtown Library received its first issue of Backyard Poultry (on the Second Floor in the Periodicals Area). Backyard Poultry is published six times a year.

The December/January issue has an article on The Homestead Flock: Pets or Partners?; Helpful Hints: Preparing Poultry for Winter including information on Dubbing to Prevent Frostbite; Holiday Fun: Have Your Chickens Been Naughty or Nice?: Gift Ideas for Your Chickens; the poem: 'Twas the Night Before Cluckmas ("But he "cock-a-doodle-doo'ed" as he drove out of sight, "Happy Holidays to all, and may all your poultry dreams take flight""; and a feature on the poultry breed, Asils.

The advertisements may be useful for those new to raising poultry.

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