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This Love, the latest Mandarin album from R&B artist Khalil Fong.

by Employee 37

《愛 愛 愛》專輯收錄了方大同的個人新作「愛愛愛」情歌,方大同確實寫歌有一手。主打歌「愛愛愛」(方大同作曲、周耀輝填詞)在2006年底橫掃各大流行音樂頒獎典禮,成為熱播金曲,歌詞抒發愛情遊戲的種種現象,經方大同演繹後別有一番味道。

方大同的R&B音樂才華被各電台和媒體肯定,這張2006年壓軸大碟《愛愛愛》值得歌迷珍藏,收錄了新歌「蘇麗珍」、「愛愛愛」和「歌手與模特兒」。特別版加送輯錄了四首新歌MV DVD一張,DVD以Digi package精美包裝。
(Review courtesy of

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Khalil Fong is back to carry his soulful melodies higher.

Around a year after his debut release, singer/songwriter Khalil Fong further established his reputation by composing the song "Grand Love" for Andy Hui's 2005 album In The Name Of.... Now, he is here to present This Love, the follow-up album to his Mando-pop CD Soul Boy. Once more unveiling his fine sense of R&B, fans can look forward to 13 tracks including the titular song (Track 1), as well as a remix of his debut album tune "Spring Breeze" (Track 13).

The special edition comes with a DVD consisting of 4 MVs for his new songs in a digi-package.
(Review courtesy of


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