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Film & Discussion: KING CORN

by Bertha

Recent college graduates Ian Cheney and Curt Ellis leave the east coast for rural Iowa, where they decide to grow an acre of the nation's most powerful crop. They find that America's most subsidized crop has become the staple of its cheapest - and most troubling - foods. Watch the film and join the post-discussion led by UM Community Scholars. Cosponsored by Michigan Television and University of Michigan Community Scholars Program.

Check here for background to the making of the film or get the scoop on taking the eating challenge. Can you go a month without eating corn? Probably not. Thursday, September 25 | 6:30 - 8:30 pm Downtown Library 4th Floor Meeting Room


When you start checking ingredient labels, it is surprising how many products contain corn. This looks like a very interesting movie. It would be nice if the library were to start a monthly, or maybe weekly, movie night where educational films could be viewed. There really is little opportunity in Ann Arbor to, on a regular basis, be able to have an evening out at the movies and do something educational simultaneously. Of course, I guess that idea might sound a little subversive. In today’s cultural atmosphere maybe we should just stick to watching popular sequels at Briarwood!

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