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Find appropriate books and movies with DiscoveryJourney

by pkooger

Want to know if there is sex, drugs, or offensive language in a book without having to read the whole thing? Check out the DiscoveryJourney website. DiscoveryJourney has reviews of many popular children's books and movies with listings of each incidence of violence, profanity, nudity, sexual content, scary elements, and the use of drugs, tobacco, or alcohol. It also suggests an appropriate age range for the intended audience.

DiscoveryJourney rates books and movies on each of ten character traits, including honesty, compassion, courage, and faith. The reviewers give positive and negative examples of each character trait. For example, in the review of "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets," Harry and his friends' bravery is listed as a positive example of courage, while Gilderoy Lockhart's behavior is listed as a negative example of courage. When rating morals or values, there are bound to be some personal differences of opinion, so use your own judgment when reading the reviews.

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