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Whirly Ball!

by jaegerla

Ann Arbor has its very own Whirly Ball center! This game looks like a blast. It's basketball, but played while riding around in a bumper car. This sport is proof in action that exercise doesn't have to be boring, it can be a ton of fun. The library has all sorts of books on funky sports, including Jump Rope!, The Complete Idiots Guide to Pro Wrestling, and Boomerangs; How to Make and Throw Them.


It IS a blast! Our office used to go play just before the Christmas party -- until people's spines started popping out of alignment, and one gal walked away with a broken finger. For co-workers with passive-aggressive tendencies, the ability to innocently smash their subordinate bumper cars into otherwise authoritative people was irresistible. Unfortunately, chiropractic adjustments were in order for weeks after for some of the, shall we say, more popular targets. But truly, it really can be a blast nevertheless!

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