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African-American Bits - "Kid Book" series

by ryanikoglu

"The "Miami" series grew out of a real need that Pat McKissack saw in children’s books: There weren’t many books about middle-class African American kids." The following title series can fit this need.
Michael Andrew Jackson, 3rd grader, also known as "Miami" stars in Miami Makes The Play; Miami Gets It Straight; and Miami Sees It Through.
Hey Li'l D! Stuck In The Middle stars "Li'l Dobber", aka Bob Lanier, as the kid who is crazy about basketball.
Willimena Thomas, 3rd grader, stars in How To Lose Your Cookie Money; How To Fish For Trouble; and more.
Books by Ann Cameron, have been published for a while and led the way. Look for Gloria, Huey, and Julian in their books, such as Gloria's Way; Julian, Secret Agent; and The Stories Huey Tells.

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