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It's All Write! Short Story Writing Contest

by Bertha

1st Place $250
2nd Place $150
3rd Place $100
First, Second and Third Place prizes in the following categories:
Grades 6-8, Grades 9-10, and Grades 11-12
Winners will be announced at the Ann Arbor Book Festival Short Story Contest event, Saturday, May 17 featuring teen book author Deb Caletti
Entries accepted FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 through FRIDAY, MARCH 21
Prize winning short stories is a published booklet of previous years winners available for you to check out.

The guidelines are attached below.


Do the books from previous years include all finalists, or just the top three in each category?

"Faulheit ist eine Tugend"

Graphic for blog posts

Blog Post

it's all write guidelines.pdf
