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Sherlock Holmes

by jaegerla

The nights are starting to get longer as summer comes to a close, and blustery weather is on the way. But look on the bright side: cold, windy weather= ideal mystery reading conditions! There's few things better than being inside on a dark, rainy night with your favorite blanket and a good mystery to read or watch. For a reading choice you should definitely check out the original detective story, none other than Sherlock Holmes. The library owns many editions of Arthur Conan Doyle's work, in addition to several DVD's based on the stories such as Sherlock Holmes Collection Volume 1, Sherlock Holmes Collection Volume 2, and Sherlock Holmes Collection Volume 3.


I got to be honest, despite all of its flaws, my favourite Holmes book (of the ones I've read) has got to be the first Holmes book, [t:A Study In Scarlet]. The second half of the book barely has anything to do with Holmes, but it's still a gripping story.

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