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Foreign language books at the Downtown library

by Tara LS

Many people don't realize this, but on the 3rd floor at the downtown library, there is a larger collection of foreign language books than at the branch libraries. The languages are the same but the selection is much larger. So go on up to the 3rd floor and check out our wide selection of foreign language books.

Chinese, Spanish, Korean, Hindi, Gujarathi, Marathi, Kannada, Panjabi, Malayam, Bengali, Telegu, Tamil, Urdu, German, Arabic, French, Japanese, Russian, Hebrew, Portuguese and Italian are all represented in the Ann Arbor District Library's foreign language collection.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions or if there is a language that is not listed that you would like the library to have materials in, please contact


Hi! Is there a way to browse the foreign language titles on the aadl website? Filter by language I guess I mean. Thanks!

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