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New Spanish books for adults at the library (translated non-fiction)

by Tara LS

There are many new Spanish books for adults at the library. There are various books throughout the branches with the selection being different at each branch. Browse the catalog by searching by call number "FLC SPA" or browse the shelves and look for the new stickers on Spanish books.

Popular non-fiction translated into Spanish:
Islam: Pasado y presente de las comunidades musulmanas by John Esposito
A translation of Esposito's "Islam: the straight path", an excellent book on Islam and the Muslim community from one of the foremost experts on Islam.
El malestar en la globalizacion by Joseh E. Stiglitz
A translation of "Globalization and its Discontents", one of the major books on the poor effects of globalization and international aid by the 2001 winner of the Nobel prize for economics.
Las pequenas memorias por Jose Saramago
Jose Saramago's (1998 Nobel prize winner for literature) autobiographical childhood stories translated from Portuguese.
El Secreto/The Secret por Rhonda Byrne
The Spanish translation of the New Age self help book popularized by The Oprah Winfrey Show.

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