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New German books at the Library!

by Tara LS

We have received several new German books including some bestsellers. Look for them on the shelf soon or put a hold on them in the catalog! If you have any suggestions or comments on German language books (or any other foreign languge) e-mail

Der blaue Tod by Boris Meyn
Cholera causes havoc in Hamburg of 1892 - however, not every death is a victim of the disease… A historical crime novel.

Wer Lebt, Stirbt by Friedrich Ani

Chief inspector Jonas Vogel is known for his great sense of directions and his capacity to imagine unknown territory. One day, his investigations are interrupted by an accident with serious consequences: he will never be able to see again…

Nacht der Engel by Rosemarie Marschner

Renaissance Florence is split into two hostile camps: the wealthy and decadent de Medicis on one side, and the begging friar Savonarola with his steadily growing crowd of supporters on the other side. The time has come for the beautiful and successful Francesca to make a decision…

Am Ende des Schweigens by Charlotte Link

Psychological thriller set in a Yorkshire country mansion with dark secrets.

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