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What's New: Documentaries on DVD

by manz

The browsable New DVD and New Blu-ray lists at AADL grow all the time. Checking to see what films have been added to the collection is on my daily to-do list. Here are a few recently acquired documentaries worth pointing out:

The Parking Lot Movie: A brotherhood of eccentric attendants who man a unique parking lot in Charlottesville, Virginia. From grad students to middle-age slackers, indie-rock musicians to surly philosophers, these overeducated part-timers wax profoundly about car culture and capitalism.

Promised Lands: Famed writer and critic Susan Sontag's sole documentary project, shot in Israel on the fly in the final days and immediate aftermath of the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

Humble Beauty: Skid Row Artists: A story about talented homeless and formerly homeless men and women who, despite a daily struggle for survival, are driven to create art in the worst area of Los Angeles. It's also about the ubiquity of art in human life. People strive to make art, no matter how humble the circumstances.

John Waters: This Filthy World: Philosopher of filth and reigning king of bad taste, John Waters presents an outstanding live one-man show that celebrates his origins of trash with his signature brand of irreverent humor.





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