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Ginormous Mutant Caterpillars Conquer Traverwood Branch Library.

by Employee 37

More Summer Game fun everyone! Stop by the Traverwood Branch Library to view a temporary exhibit of live Cecropia Moth caterpillars. The Cecropia Moth, the largest native North American moth, reproduces by laying eggs that hatch into caterpillars. Over the next month they will put on quite a show as they progress through their 6-stage life cycle.

The caterpillars, on loan from the Leslie Science and Nature Center, will remain until they complete their cocoons in early August. They will then return home, to overwinter on the grounds of the Science Center, where they will emerge as moths next spring.

When you visit the caterpillars make sure and find the code to earn 400 Summer Game Points, which you can enter at and redeem for prizes at the online Summer Game Shop. Want to visit the caterpillars more than once? You sound like a savvy gamer. We'll generate a new code each time the critters molt, and we'll announce that in this thread. Will the points increase in accordance with the caterpillars girth? Possibly.

Updated 7/6: The caterpillars have molted. New game code info at


Thanks for making this happen. I think Alex and I will watch A Bug's Life and later go to see these guys at Traverwood.

Looking forward to meeting them at Traverwood! The former bug collector/ science educator/ caterpillar wrangler in me gets a twinkle in my eyes just thinking about it.

I hope you know that's wonderful! I guess the library is getting a bit on the WILD side!


I saw these guys today. It looks like they're mostly 1st and 3rd instars... but I didn't see any 2nd instars! Maybe they came from two different batches of eggs. The 3rd instars are very pretty, but still fairly small. I will come back when they're fatter!

We saw the caterpillars today. There are so many of them - that's gonna be a lot of moths! We'll have to check back in a week or two and see how they have changed. Traverwood is a really cool branch - I had never visited that one before.

We LOVE caterpillars! Thanks for hosting these neat creatures. And what a beautiful moths they will become!

So cool! My friend bought some Cecropia moth eggs, but unfortunately they all died. They ended up getting Luna moths, and they successfully became adults! I'm sure it would be really interesting to check out the caterpillars!!










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