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Performance: Metamorphosis by Aaron Dworkin

by hillary dorwart

Sunday March 6, 2011: 6:00-7:00pm -- University of Michigan Museum of Art Helmut Stern Auditorium

Artist Aaron Dworkin explores the modern aesthetic in this compelling multi-media presentation of visual art, spoken word, and music. "Metamorphosis" offers a synthesis of poetry, classical music and photography that all sketch important moments of the artist's personal story.

A lifelong musician, Mr. Dworkin is an accomplished acoustic and electric violinist, author, social entrepreneur, artist-citizen and an avid youth education advocate.

Dworkin is the Founder and President of the internationally acclaimed Sphinx Organization, a MacArthur Fellow, and he was recently nominated to be the first member of President Obama's National Council on the Arts.

Join us to hear a University of Michigan alumnus perform back on campus!



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