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Test Taking 101 with Kaplan Experts

by K.C.

Approach ACT or SAT test day with confidence! Kaplan instructors will present strategies for preparing for the tests and guide you through some questions, demonstrating how to arrive at the correct answer.

Test Taking 101 -- Wednesday, January 5 -- 7:00-8:00 PM -- Pittsfield Branch -- Grades 9-12


There is no registration for this event you just show up at the time/place indicated. Registrations are rare for library events and unless specified you do not need to register. All programs are also free of charge.

I'm surprised you are allowing this-a private profit-making entity conducting what will amount to an infomercial on public property, even if they don't directly solicit business. Were Kaplan's competitors offered a similar opportunity?

Thanks for your response; however, I'd still be interested in an answer to my question. Also, did Kaplan pay anything for room rental, etc?

hendelms, thanks for your comments. Just like any business, organization, or individual that has an idea for a library program, Kaplan contacted us and offered this as a public library event building on test prep events we had been trying to do ourselves. When AADL presents a public event in partnership with individuals, organizations, or businesses, there is no room rental involved. Anyone who is interested in proposing a similar partnership is always welcome to [:contactus | contact us] with their ideas! Thanks again for your comments and concerns, and let us know if you have any other questions.


Thanks for your inquiry. Test Taking 101 with Kaplan Experts is offered once a year in January. So the answer is no, not in the immediate future.


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