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Paperback and Hardbound Fiction Interfiled at the Downtown Library

by Jim Rust

You can now find all your favorite Mystery, Sci-Fi, or Fantasy authors all in one place at the Downtown Library. The formally all paperback section is now interfiled with the hardbound books. Romance and Western books are now interfiled in the general fiction area and can be identified by a label on the book spine. We hope you enjoy the ease of browsing these collections.


sorry, I don't like them interfiled - many times I want several romance paperbacks and now it takes FOREVER to search the stacks for them if you don't have certain authors in mind - and if you do have certain authors in mind you've already read all the author's works so end up searching and searching the stacks for fresh meat... And for mystery, paperbacks are so much easier to read than hardcovers due to the weight of the books.

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