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Most Loved in the World: a story of freedom by Tony Cherie Hegamin

by Tahira

A little girl watches her mother toil in the cotton field all day. She comes home with her hands cut and scratched. The little girl wants to rub salve on her mother’s hands to soothe them. But mama has other things to do. She picks up her needle and sews another patch on a quilt. The little girl wonders who the quilt is for; the big house or to be sold by massa. Mama continues to work placing each patch with loving care. Then one night mama takes her out to a secret meeting in the field to send her with slaves who are heading north. The little girl discovers that tat quilt is for her. It is a map to freedom. Tonya Cherie Hegamin tells a touching story of love and sacrifice with poetic flare in Most Loved in the World.

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