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Baby Bits - HONK Honk BEEP Beep !

by ryanikoglu

Here are Books and Songs about "Things That GO" so you can take Baby PlayGroup activities home with you.
Journey Home From Grandpa's is a "Kit" which has a book of colorful pictures, with words to the song, and a CD of Fred Penner singing the song.
Honk Honk Rattle Rattle is a CD full of "vehicle" songs sung by Richele Bartkowiak. Find more of her theme-based CDs and find your favorite songs to sing.
Clang Clang Beep Beep: Listen To The City helps you make the sounds you hear in the city.
Books by Byron Barton are classics for bright, bold pictures and beginning concepts, to include My Car, Trains, Airport, and Machines At Work.
Or ... take home a Stories To Go bag on a theme of your choice like Transportation.
Then read Good Night Engines before you go to sleep.
HONK Honk, BEEP, Beep !!

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