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Kid Bits - Sidewalk GAMES

by ryanikoglu

1 month left before "BACK to SCHOOL"
Forgot your games and rhymes?
Check these out to review and learn new ones:
Juba This And Juba That a “handy reference for home as well as schools, libraries, and day care centers.”
Miss Mary Mack and other Children’s Street Rhymes provides jump-rope rhyme, ball-bouncing rhymes, counting-out rhymes, and just-for-fun rhymes.
Sidewalk Games where everyone can join in the fun. “You won’t want to stop running around.”
Anna Banana: 101 Jump-Rope Rhymes traditional rhymes that “make rope-jumping challenging and fun.”
Now ... to the sidewalk for practice and fun.
Then teach your friends when you're back in school!


I have the Anna Banana: 101 Jump-Rope Rhymes. I've had it since I was very little... I kind of had to with a name like Anna:)

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Summer Game